Wayside Shot

Along the path from the parking lot to the road, a large number of these.  I'm not all that of a flower person but I seem to have made quite a number of bloom blips so I guess one more can't do any harm.  They are quite a carefree sort, flowers, and this one in particular couldn't give a hair about all the wars and power struggles going on.  There's a message in there somewhere, at least for me.  And war or not, when it's time to go, it's time to go, and then all these little white-winged parts will go into starburst mode and fly away to the far corners.  That would be their version of the after-life, something I already subscribe to anyway.

Went to work, worked, went home.  Just how routine is that!  Pain even less but I am paying heed to all your nagging and will visit the doc this week.  I think Friday will be the day.

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