Through West

You can tell when a young innocent chap has an older sister by the red nail varnish on his right hand, a little touch of the Eddie Izzard there.

His Lordship and I travelled through to Glasgow by bus this morning to avoid the disruption at Glasgow Queen Street railway station, and of course there was the small matter of it being a free journey with the highly prized bus passes. Not that such a mode of transport is without the side effects of impatience  and high blood pressure. Negotiating traffic, red lights and deviations for construction sites works against a certain calmness in travel. Still we got there just on time for the rendezvous with Glasgow daughter and Ewan.

Ewan was recovering from a nasty attack of conjunctivitis, picked up as usual from the nursery, but appeared much recovered, treating us to some of his 'naughty' words carefully taught by that self same big sister who wouldn't dream of saying them herself. It was hard not to laugh or appear shocked lest we encouraged him.

I should of course not forget to mention the weather which has reverted to type with scarves, gloves and hats much in evidence again.

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