wander, stumble, wonder

By imo_weg

A good afternoon's work

It's a nice day when two apps you've been looking for suddenly appear, for free! I used to to two separate iTunes libraries, one internal for music and one external for audiobooks, but new iDevices don't seem to manage with such a system, so I've had to rethink it all. I've been looking for a program that would let me create proper audiobooks out of mp3 files for yonks, but to no avail for no cost. Then today I happened upon this one. It's basic, but it does exactly what I'm after, so it's all good! And I found an oldish beta version of something that's helping me split the one library over two locations. So far, so good

So it's been an uneventful but productive day really.

I also finished watching Bleak House Riis evening, with Gillian Anderson and other assorted period actors. Good adaptation of a one of Dickens' best books, although I was quite amused to realise one of the main characters was Wedge in the original Star Wars movies. I knew his eyebrows were familiar...

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