
By dailykeith

Time to celebrate

After four years of study for a degree in photography, I handed in my final piece of work yesterday. Today, I celebrated in a slightly more restrained fashion than the rest of my fellow students!

It's been an amazing four years and I'm going to miss the study, the fantastic tutors I've had and those wonderful and talented students.

There have been lots of highs, in particular carrying out my final year project on Spanish Civil War battle sites where British volunteers fought. Treading the soil in remote landscapes where so many died and are still buried has been a moving experience.

That project continues beyond university, and I plan to return to Aragon to photograph more sites.

One of my most treasured memories of university will be of the tutors and students. It's been such a privilege to have been helped and advised by some of the best in the business, and to have been among such tremendous young talent - and such lovely people, too. I know some of them will go on to be big names in the industry. I'll be proud to say I was with them at the start.

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