St Andrews Harbour

I've been doing a wee bit of work in St Andrews lately, and I think today was probably my last trip up there on the project.  It's been a success of sorts.  I was brought in to help out with a difficult situation, and now things seem to be on an even keel again - with new funding and some new people to deliver the next phase.  I'm calling it a win.

These days I am always dashing off to get home for my boy's bath time, so I've not really taken advantage of the chance to spend time (or blip) somewhere different.  

Today I thought I'd exploit the nice weather and a few free minutes at lunchtime to wander down to the harbour and enjoy being beside the sea.  I watched the waves rolling in over the rocky foreshore hypnotically for a while, basking in the warm sun and relishing the salty breeze.  

The harbour walls offered an easier subject for blipping, so I snapped them on the way back.

Oh, and I still managed to be home for bath time.

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