Mutant chive

If it's possible, the weather has got even worse. I've just been into Bantry to get some photos printed for a competition - thick wet fog and so humid. Bantry though is heaving. There is a maritime festival going on and the place is full of fit , tanned (????) looking crew members; there are also tourists bravely wearing shorts regardless, and the circus is in town.

It is 10 years today that we moved to these sunny climes. Our worldy goods went a week before us in a huge van; himself took the ferry, the car laden with plants (in fact he was stopped and inquiries made as to exactly what sort of plants they were); and I flew - I don't float and I'm not very good in the air either. We left the sons, then aged 19 and 21 in the family home - they couldn't believe their luck, but the neighbours were less enchanted. The removal van arrived, the men took one look at the boreen and 'elf and safety broke out - too steep to get down. They disappeared in search of a smaller van - this took a week. We had put up a sign baearing the name of the removal company - this caused a lot of interest in the community who already knew one of us was called Clarke and now thought one of us had another name - obviously were were unmarried bohemian artists! We enjoyed 7 days getting to know our new home - all we had was a bed and a kettle and two plastic chairs we found in the undergrowth - and clothes we had already been wearing for a week! We took the opportunity to paint every inhabitable room white, occasionally gasping and pinching ourselves at what we had done! And we're still here.

Today's blip is from the polytunnel. This is a chive that has mutated into something huge. I gaily planted some in the tunnel last Autumn fondly imagining we could eat fresh chives all year round. Well, we didn't and they've grown - huge! Quite pretty though.

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