silent night
A couple of weeks ago I got an email from Amazon telling me that a number of accounts had been hacked - mine possibly among them - and advising me to change my password. It turned out to be genuine, so I did. Since then we’ve been inundated with ‘those’ phone calls. You know - the ones that call just as you’re preparing supper/tea/dinner - offering to sell you something that you don’t really want - or worse - that just stay silent.
We’ve always had them but there’s been a step change in past few days and on wednesday we had over a dozen in less than an hour. It may be coincidence, maybe not.
We signed up for TPS ages ago but it seems to make no difference. So yesterday we changed the phone for one with a built in call-blocker. Tea-time came and went without interruption. The evening, likewise. Bliss.
The phone is now eerily quiet, a small red light the only sign that it’s awake. I’d love to eavesdrop on all those thwarted phone calls - “damn you Call Guardian….”
Unless it’s the one that goes “how dare you …. I’m his mother-in law.”
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