Summer's coming in
Today we did not record phase 2 of the choir CD. That had to be cancelled last minute when it became obvious another event was going to impinge! Outdoor concerts. Yes, we've got to that marker of summer.
So instead - as it was the most beautiful day - I spent the morning in the garden clearing out all the seeding primroses, grape hyacinths, wild forget-me-nots and bluebells from the places I'd never planned for them to grow in the first place. For me, the garden's looking pretty tidy and now the summer perennials have the space they need to grow.
And then this afternoon - of course - I went down to the coast and walked. Amongst all the birds I saw, this young herring gull really amused me. Looks like that bright eye is sizing up the sun as if to check that summer has really arrived. And I've added an extra of a rather beautiful old yacht sailing past a huge breeding colony of terns.
So that's my day. Hope yours was brill too and that the sun shone for you xx
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