Stuff and Nonsense

By Diane2104

The King is back!

Saturday and sunny lately means a day out with nature for us.

We are now members of Woolston Eyes, a private local nature reserve which keeps posting on FB about cool birds that they have seen - Hobby, Osprey, Black Tern, Turnstone, but none of these were around whilst we were there today :(
Nevertheless, we had a lovely walk in the sunshine finding our way to the 7 different hides that are available. I can see us going there fairly often I think.
Around 3pm, we were getting a bit hungry(!) and found a nice pub for a late lunch and then thought we'd pop into Moore Nature Reserve on the way home to see if the kingfisher was about. "We'll just stay half an hour" we said........2 hours later we were still there after seeing loads of interesting sights, including the beautiful kingfisher.
There were numerous herons and their young - all legs and gangly, Canada geese and a couple of goslings, although they might have lost them to a couple of foxes late in the evening. We heard an awful lot of commotion coming from where they were and then the pair appeared without them later on, a long way from where we think the nest is. I guess there is a chance that they are holed up somewhere safe.....
There were baby rabbits, lapwings and chicks, great crested grebes, little grebes teaching their 3 chicks how to dive and numerous other ducks around.

Now we are watching the Eurovision Song contest and getting a running commentary from at least 3 of my continental friends popping up on Facebook after every song!
Well, when I say watching, both of us are sitting here on our laptops - it's just on in the background.

All in all, it's been another great day, despite the cooler temperature, and I look forward to what tomorrow brings.

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