
I've had a fantastic day. I caught the 8.09 train to London and went straight to the Barbican for the Strange and Familiar Photography exhibition. I loved it and it inspired me to take lots of photos as I walked through the very quiet City of London to Tower Bridge to get the bus to Bermondsey for the reunion. It was great seeing all my Lourdes friends and having a catch up. Some of my friends have had a bad time since Lourdes but we all support each other and we still managed to have a good laugh. I'd done a photo album and people seemed to like the selection of photos. I finished the day off with a visit to an ice cream parlour with Vera, Loraine, Derek and Mark for a magnificent sundae. Then train home.
It's been difficult choosing my blip today as I love too many photos hence the collage as an extra. I loved the new buildings mixed in amongst the old.

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