Life in Sunny Dubai

By GadgetKid


It's been a typical Sunday!! Hard! But I guess not too bad.

My boss is away so she has let me have her covered parking space. This means I have to roll my window down to access the car park. Unfortunately, the Volvo has had a problem with the switch, so of all the windows, the drivers window doesn't go back up. Till this morning, holding down the button eventually made the window go up again, but not today...

So, I waited in the bay for about 5 minutes, and then reluctantly had to drive over to Volvo to see if they could fix it on the spot. They did - temporarily. :)  More will be done on Saturday.

I've loved having the evening in. Just wasn't able to get a blip... so... here is a detail from a much love oil canvas. The artist is Zoe Kenway of Bath, and I love her work... I *think* I've blipped the full painting before.

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