
So this morning we planned to do a walk between the mountain villages but when we got to the start point, the temperature was 12 degrees C and the clouds were very low. We decided to drive down to the coast the other side and just do a flat walk along the coast. The temperature was showing 23-28.5 so quite a difference. Although it is a Sunday, our favourite bakery was open so we bought a couple of nut loaves.
When we arrived home we planned to go to the community swimming pool but we went down there and they were doing a lifeguard training session in our pool. We weren't happy bunnies as we pay quite a lot for our membership. Later on, my husband noticed it had gone quiet so we decided at 6.15 to go for a late swim. We were just about to leave when I noticed something fall in the lounge. It was this finch who we chased around the lounge trying to get it to leave. We have high ceilings so not easy. I took a photo through the window where it sat stunned on the outside table for quite a while. It was still there when we returned from our swim but flew off eventually.

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