My Restless Lens

By terri365

1212 - 15 May 2016 - Forget Me Not

I had to call the police at 4am again this morning...  My neighbours came home at 2.30am and stared arguing, thumping and screaming and slamming doors.  He kept leaving and she would chase him down the street, then they would come back and it would go quiet, then it would start up again.  At 4am I had had enough so called the police - they arrived within 5 minutes!  Must have been a quiet night in Stirling!

Time for drastic action...

So, I slept a bit later having had my sleep disturbed!  Went for a long walk with the dog this morning, then up to Glendoick Gardens.  A friend had recommended them but too many rhododendrons for my liking!  I did get a good few shots though.

Then back to Perth to go and see my nephew's band at the Open Mic in the Twa Tams for a wee while.  Then home!  

An early night is called for methinks...

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