
By philmorris

Bliss Tweed Mill

Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire.

Spent the morning lovingly tending my moss farms north and south of the house, and then punishing weeds. Also dicing with death and oncoming motor vehicles along the A452 dual carriageway near Hampton in Arden, trying to find access to the river Blythe which runs adjacent.

In the afternoon I suggested we head off to Chipping Norton for a walk and a poke about. A little to the south east of the town is the fascinatingly eccentric Bliss Tweed Mill. A country mansion with a sink plunger on top, built in 1872

Church and Lychgate
Church of St Peter & St Paul, Long Compton, Warwickshire.

On our way down we drove through Long Compton. The village has a rare thatched lychgate. In fact the lychgate is a simple cottage built about 1600 with the ground floor ploughed through. Without fail, every time I've driven past the church there has been at least one unremarkable car parked in front of the gate, but today, there were none about. There were three when I made the return journey.

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