Happy hour!
Joked with my family that this was my biggest achievement all day (she'd been having a crying fit!), but think it genuinely has been! And what's more - I'm quite proud! Think I'm embracing maternity leave far more this time and not feeling at all guilty for not working or 'achieving' more - because I feel like I'm achieving a lot and starting to quite enjoy it - though a few evenings with no crying would be a bonus!
Has been a good day though - with Sam around to help get kids ready, then church, lunch with the LeTissiers - good food and company - they will be sorely missed when he starts his new job in August! Beth and Sam round before church. Then evening service with the Pentecost passage read by loads of us in loads of different languages - Sam led worship and Paul preached.
AND I've now caught up on my blips!
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