Mono Monday : Wayside

This is a doorway between Gregg's and McDonald's in our town centre.
As you can imagine, it's a busy area, with plenty of customers all day long.
A young man sleeps here.
I don't walk past here very much, but I've seen him from the bus, and he seems to be here every day.
Sleeping on a pavement. In 2016.
Of course there have always been homeless people sleeping rough, but it seems to me that when I was a child they were mainly older people, gentlemen of the road, who'd chosen that way of life. Now it's mostly younger people.
I used to talk to a man in his forties, who lived in the recessed doorway of an empty shop in the town square. He was a decent chap, very grateful for all that he was given. So grateful that last Christmas people donated enough money for him and his girlfriend to spend a few nights in a hotel, to have a nice Christmas off the streets for once.
They trashed the room, causing a thousand pounds' worth of damage, and tried to get their hands on the cash that had been donated.
You can't tell by appearances.
So people are more wary of giving handouts.
Our local homeless shelter does a great job, but there's never enough room for everyone who needs somewhere to go.
Always some poor souls who fall by the wayside.

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