It's a baldy bald life!

By DrK

Traumatic Sunset

What an end to the day.
We had a busy one, and whilst I had wanted to do a proper bike ride, it had simply been too active a day to have the energy to do one. Rather, I suggested to Rosemary that we headed down to Crammond where I could play with my camera and a watch a possibly good sunset!
I was feeling a wee bit stressed with some stuff and I thought it would do me good. We were a little bit leaving though but Rosemary had a big training day for tomorrow planned so we had to take it easy. At our 1st stop, Rosemary decided it was a good time to get me to shoot a Happy Birthday video for someone. Eekkk. Not happy. The sunset window is narrow and I have never used the video function on my DSLR…… "What would you like me to do?" I squawked. The light was all wrong for video shooting too! After the 1st failed attempt, I got grumpy and said I wasn't doing it.
We stopped a bit further along as there was a nice tree silhouette to be had! Concentrating on getting my manual settings right, Rosemary suggested that I take a picture in the other direction as another tree had a nice red tinge. "Don't tell me what to take pictures of" I said, thinking that the way the light was falling was pretty and pretty shite at the same time. She started fiddling with her phone so I jumped on my bike and suggested she moved her butt!
About 100m down the prom, I propped my bike up against the kerb in a blatantly obvious position and then scuttled down to the beach to get another few shots. After 5 minutes, I thought it was strange that Rosemary hadn't arrived. I went back to where I left her…..nope…..then I pedalled in the other directio, stopping just short of Crammond and still no sign. Hmmmm…..back the way I came and I asked a few people if they had seen her! Nope! I was starting to worry . Admittedly I had been a pain-in-the-arse but surely she wouldn't have gone home, would she? Hmmm, maybe….
I got back to Trinity just as the light was fading and rang the buzzer. I didn't have my key or phone! Nope……I was frantic now, absolutely smashing in back towards Crammond. I asked 3 couples…..nope! Awful thoughts were going through my mind. The final couple I asked said "yeah, she's sittiing on that bench"….I swore with relief and scuttled to the bench with Rosemary looking cold and upset. I gave her the biggest hug ever, told her how much I loved her and tried to contain my shaking! A whisky was called for before bed!
Earlier in the day we had gone to Porty for a swim. I had my new neoprene boots and gloves after last week's freezing sea swim and I was glad of them. The gloves made it a little harder to swim, but I enjoyed myself once ice-cream head had dissipated. We managed nearly 2km. Leaving the pool, Kate, one of the Wild One swimmers was frantic. Someone had pinched her expensive jacket from Porty Pool cubicles (where we get changed) but it eventually turned up in the locker where she had left it.
Then it was to TK Maxx. It was slightly more traumatic than need-be as R had forgotten her bus pass, having ran to Porty with me having my bike. She was annoyed having to spend money for the bus! We were in the shop way too long and I started to feel dodgy with hunger. Fortunately the Manna House was close and we got a nice lunch.

Not long after getting home, I got the dinner on. It was a potato, leek and carrot pie with cheesy sauce n homemade short-crust! It was well yum!

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