Lavender's Blue

So, Poppy has gone off to Cromer until Friday. We managed to get the suitcase closed and D took her to school. She decided she didn't want me waving her off in case I embarrassed her by crying. Unfortunately she forgot her water bottle, so D phoned me and I grabbed the bottle and hot-footed it down to school. Luckily the coach was still there. It seemed silly not to wait around and watch her go so, lucky girl, she got both her mummy and her daddy waving our damp hankies and sobbing as we waved her off.
I jest, obviously. I know she's going to have a fantastic time and before we know it, she'll be back.
I busied myself with a bit of housework and a little sit down in the garden with my Kindle.
This slightly 'leggy' lavender is in one of the pots we planted up yesterday.

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