
By Veronica

English Summer

Backblipped. Lengthy indecision about what to blip is usually caused by the fact that I'm not satisfied with any of my photos. This was the case today. In the end I picked this one because it was so much not what I expected of a weekend in the UK, after all the gloomy reports. It was a glorious summer day, and I spent some of it wandering around Cambridge en route to the airport. Of course it was full of tourists and gaggles of teenage language students. But Christ's Pieces was a pleasant place to while away some time in the shade of a tree, surrounded by people picnicking, chatting, playing, cycling, or just lounging and reading, like me. Oh, and I had a very nice lunch of hamburger, chips, and ginger beer in Bill's. Not something I eat often, but when I do, I want it to be good.

I'm always shocked by the number of shops that are open on Sunday in Britain. It could have been any weekday. Unfortunately for my bank balance, I was lured into TK Maxx. They have a terribly seductive handbag section which I've always managed to resist up till now. But this time I left with a capacious Italian bag in gorgeous turquoise leather. However, I didn't buy anything at all in Heffer's or Waterstone's, which is unusual. Instead I bought some second-hand books at the market.

I backblipped yesterday too.

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