Dr Jones

By jones

GCSEs start

Bibi started her GSCEs today. She was pretty cool about it. Jack stayed at home to revise. He sat in the garden first thing in the morning at the garden table.
I went to work and received an email from Bibi around 11am. It said

"It went soooooo good".

I went to pick up Penny from school at 2:45pm. She had an appointment with the paediatrician at Kingston hospital. She suffers from very bad headaches on a daily basis. The Dr was such a lovely guy.  He is going to order an MRI scan for Penny. He seems to think that she is suffering from tension headaches caused by poor posture but is requesting the MRI scan to rule anything else out. 

Wnen we got home, I lit the BBQ. It is the first time ever I have managed to light it first time. 

Today's Exam:
Bibi - Religious Studies GCSE

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