Hobbs's Run

By hobbs

LM Unfiltered

Now here is the Lordmatic from yesterday. This time I have provided a clear view of it - on my wrist . I can assure you that this really IS the next morning even though the day says "Monday" still. Thing is the crown's ability to influence both the day and date setting is broken and I have a couple of watchmakers on the lookout for the necessary replacement part.

The watch itself keeps good time even though it badly needs a service. The reserve power of the spring is very restricted in that the piece usually stops working within a few hours of my having taken it off. This is because the movement needs taking apart so that the old, thickened lubrication can be replaced on the moving parts by new, less sluggish stuff.

The watch itself had lain for 26 years in its box in one of my brother's drawers - unused and unappreciated following my fathers death. I didn't even know it still existed but because he knew I was "into" watches my brother felt I should have it. 

The movement itself is a relatively advanced hi-beat hacking type. Once the part has been found and the service completed, this could turn out to be the very best mechanical watch in my collection - even better than Dad's other Seiko, which I had blipped before.

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