Euan Me and Rhona too!

By noifa

Funny noses

Euan found the red noses that we had hidden ages ago and made his Granny and me wear them. This is the resulting picture, which Euan found very amusing!

I have been in all day waiting for a delivery. Martin text me at 4.30 to say that was him off the boat and that he had a text to say the delivery would be between 3.30 and 4.30. Useful Useless information at that time as it had just arrived!

Granny came round with a butterie for our morning coffee and then took Euan over to Asda. Rhona slept alot of the time they were away so I got a few jobs done.

Rhona is doing so well. In the mornings, she doesn't seem to need much milk and sleeps alot, then in the afternoon she has a lovely wakeful period. She feeds loads in the evenings, but this just seems to help her sleep for 5-6 hour stretches so I am happy with that. A feed at 10 then nothing until about 4. She usually stays in bed with me until Euan comes through to wake us up! Her head control is getting better and better. She can lift it for a second or two when she is on her tummy and holds it upright and looks all around while being held. She is smiling more regularly now, often not at me. Other people seem to get her smiles much more often! Also she loves her nappy off time and kicks her legs in the air and coos and gurgles. I would like the nappy off time much more if she didn't insist on pooping or peeing every time!!

Euan is being a little monster at bedtimes. He will not stay in bed! He goes up easily between 7.30 and 8 but will be up numerous times before sleeping, often after 9pm. He gets so tired during the day too, so needs a nap, or else he falls asleep on the sofa early! Oh well, hopefully he will grow out of it!

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