Red Sails in the Sunset

A day of WFH - and blimey did it not come away nice yet again. This is getting close to a spell of good weather! And who poodled along to the gaff to visit and sit outdoors but he who is usually referred to by his indoors habits.
So we stepped along to 'the chain' to sit out in the sun. And we had some good blethers, extending beyond football and beer. And met a delightful Polish gentleman called Tomas. Incoherent, pissed and weird, he was later encountered by one of the party in the ladies shunky. I had a word with the manager and thought Tomas would be out on his ear. Next thing we see him swaying out to the beer garden with another two pints. Surely the only enjoyable part of a bar manager's job is slinging drunks?

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