Big day

Today we had our first family outing that wasn't to a person's house. This meant lots of extra planning and lots of extra risk. We picked Lincoln up from pre school then went to the mall to kill an hour before Nana's birthday dinner. The first disaster hit pretty early... I forgot to pack the clips that attach the capsule to the pram. Luckily we found a trolley at the entrance and stuck the capsule in that. We then managed to get our shopping done without too much drama. Daddy spent 90% off it chasing Lincoln in the opposite direction to where we should be going, but we got what we went there for. Then we went to the parents rooms to feed Elliott and lock Lincoln in a play area for a while. There I discovered I didn't pack a change mat. Luckily the parents rooms have paper you can put on the change area. When we got to dinner, the toilets there did not have such a luxury. Nana and I changed a poo explosion on a rickety, uncovered change table. Elliott had a bath as soon as we got home.

Overall, we survived it well. We had no more spare clothes for Elliott at the end of it, but we got there.

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