Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching


Mrs D at work gave me a bottle of Scotch today. My ill gotten gains for Arsenal finishing above Spurs last Saturday. I left it on my desk all day to attract some predictable comments.

Sat next to my mate Mr T in a workshop this morning. He is a larger than life Scotsman who keeps us all entertained when times are tough.

My next meeting was Chaired by another Scot who kept things moving in a brisk but good humoured way. 

Sadly my day finished with reports of a bit of Scotch mist. If you don't know the phrase it means something that is believed to exist but doesn't; in this case, good care in a certain North London A&E Department where a friend of ours was reduced to desperation by truly awful care. It's sad  that the NHS has sunk this low, and so unnecessary. 

I shall have a small glass tonight ... and hope our friend's experience gets better.

Desperate deadline day tomorrow. Happens every two months. I hate it ...

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