seeing a heart... nature

on yet another soggy, gloomy, rainy day

as i waited for a slight break - in the falling rain - i was planning what i might find to - capture to post today - i had my sights set on a little tree - in the courtyard which had these tiny blossoms - on it, yellow and white - i thought they would bring cheer in spite of the dreary day - what i didn't anticipate was being - surprised by nature itself - the way the blossoms had managed to fall together - in a wonderful heart shape - ones already opened - entwined with buds yet to burst

when spirits are lagging because the sun - hasn't shown its face in several days - seeing this heart was like getting a gift - from the great creator himself - a reassuring hug that all will be okay - that even in the gloom and overcast it can be...


happy day.....

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