I wanted to do the Wide Angle Wednesday challenge today so was out in the garden in my pink robe and shoes, because the grass was so wet after all the rain in the night.  I was late getting up because Mr. HCB didn’t wake me because he wasn’t going to cricket, but thought I would do my Blip before I had to go out.

I used my iPhone to do a panoramic shot of the garden but then realised that there was a little bird just sitting in the opening of the nesting box.  I walked gingerly along - but how can one look like a tree dressed all in pink?  The Great Tits usually fly off when they see anyone approaching, but this little one just sat there and looked at me - and he will soon understand that old ladies in pink are quite safe.  He sat and sat and I was cross because I only had my iPhone and they do not zoom in at all well.

I looked up to the bedroom window and Mr. HCB was standing there looking out so I gesticulated to him to get my big camera and wonder of wonders, he understood.  I got several shots and was so thrilled because the little one just kept looking and wondering whatever I was doing, no doubt.

So here is Gregory, the baby Great Tit - well I’m not sure if it is a Gregory or a Gisela - but whatever, I am thrilled to introduce you to our new resident, (and also another shot in as an extra) who probably will be out in the big world on his or her own before very much longer - I just hope next door's cat is nowhere around for a while.

Mr. HCB and I are so thrilled to have been part of the journey of these Great Tits and to see the results of their labours - quite literally - over the last few weeks.  What a joy and pleasure it has been - we shall miss them.

It is what I was born for -

     to look, to listen,
to lose myself
     inside this soft world -
          to instruct myself
               over and over
in joy and 
Mary Oliver

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