
By DramaQueen

'I don't like it!'

Theo is 3 today; where has time gone?!

I was only working until lunch, so arranged to meet with my sister and the kids at Mum's house as Mum had made a little party for the birthday boy.

He had a great time ripping the paper off his presents, but declared with each one 'I don't like it' and threw the stuff on the floor!
Evidently, this is the phrase for the day as he'd asked for some cake and then said 'I don't like it', same with his fruit shoot.

My sister on the other hand was thrilled with all the clothes I'd bought for him; not least because it's very much like the stuff Daddy wears (which is why I picked what I did).

Theia was nonplussed by the whole thing and was busy showing off how well she can stand up. She's so close to walking now; she managed a couple of steps before she realised what she'd done and flopped to the floor.

Mum bought a new booster seat for Theo this week, as he's too big for the seat he was in; Theia loves being upgraded to her brother's cast off as she can see lots more out of the window now.
In a bit of forward planning, Mum also decided to get a booster seat for my car, so now I can take Theo out or give Mum a lift with him.
While I love spending time with both kids, Theia is still a bit small to appreciate being taken anywhere, so I've agreed with Mum that if/when I get a day off and she has Theo, we can have a trip out somewhere. This also gets Theo used to spending time with me away from home.

First mission this week is to join them for a Sunday morning swim. They've been going a few weeks now and Theo is getting good at swimming but can't fathom how to move his arms. Mum thinks if I'm there, he will copy me, we shall see!

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