Vive la Vie

By gillybxl

The Surprise

We left our house in Brussels at 4:30am this morning, drove to Amsterdam, caught a plane and were in Newcastle before 11am. Aunty Mavis picked us up from the airport and took us to my parent's house. Mum had engineered a situation to keep my Dad at home and stop him from going into work. We snuck around the back and entered the house through the utility room to find my Dad reading his newspapers in the sun room. The kids shouted "Surprise" and my Dad didn't know where to look but there were lots of cuddles before the tears came.
In Belgium its Ascension which means we get a four day weekend so what better way to spend the time than surprising my Dad for his 70th Birthday! The kids have been in on the secret for months and have loved being involved in the planning. We couldn't believe we got through my parents visit in March without letting it slip and the kids have been brilliant whenever we've face timed not to mention it, despite their growing excitement!
Mum had planned things meticulously as only she can so it was a huge relief for her that our flight wasn't delayed etc!

We had a lovely time catching up before Mum drove Olivia and I to collect the cousins from school, and bring them back for an afternoon of playing in the garden. We had so much fun playing with the huge array of equipment that Mum has acquired (now my Dad knows why Mum had bought a goal for the back garden!). Olivia and her beloved Grandad set too to build an epic den. Olivia (and Dex) where witnessed drilling and hammering away at the planks of wood that my Dad always seems to have, along with huge tarpaulin. Building dens with Grandad has become a traditional summer pastime, and I'm pleased it's him teaching them how to use a drill rather than me!
A really lovely start to our short visit back and there are more surprises to come for Dad!

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