Ar ôl llawer o waith, dyn ni'n barod. Mae'r gompa newydd yn barod i groesawi fyfyrwyr. Mae'n teimlo 'cywir' Mae'n tawelach na'r lle yn y pentref ac mae'n neis i jyst eistedd yna. Dyn ni'n gobeithio y bydd pobl eraill yn hoffi fe hefyd.
"Mae gen i 'nghot, mae gen i'n sgidiau,
Mae gen i 'nghan, mae gen i 'ngwreiddiau
A dwi'n barod"
-- 'Barod', Meinir Gwilym
After much work, we're ready. The new gompa is ready to welcome meditators. It feels 'right'. It is quieter than the place in the village and it's nice to just sit there. We hope that other people will like it too.
"I've got my coat, I've got my shoes,
I've got my song, I've got my roots
And I'm ready"
-- 'Barod', Meinir Gwilym
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