The Gasman Cometh

But he shouldn't have...

We had a total power out before we went to Bristol, got our local electrical contractors to come and bail us out when the insurance sub-contractors failed to show.

At the same time, we then found the electrics to the boiler were dodgy, so retried this time with our Gas Board break-down contract. They couldn't come until we would have been in Bristol. Aforementioned local firm bailed us out again.

So, I cancelled the call-out for the gas engineer I'd reluctantly agreed to after our return. J reckoned they'd turn up anyway. My wife is often right about things like this, and so it proved this time.

Driving across town this morning I spotted these two Gas Board vans, lurking in a side street. So, they hunt in packs for unwitting punters to let them in to confirm everything is OK.

And then the inevitable "Ooooh. *Sighs* *Shakes head* Your boiler is so old, we can't guarantee we can get the parts."

"Er, yes you can, because your colleague kindly checked at our last service, and indeed you can get all parts we might need."


Bristol escape starts here...

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