The Wall of Shame

Another day of surprises, being on a prayer walk & bumping into Sebastian & Enrique...both fuming about what's happening in Sa Penya...they offered to take me in so I could take photos. The Town Hall are currently spending 27,000€ to build a wall around the evicted homes. 27,000€! Imagine how much good they could do with that! Imagine how they could have helped the upkeep of Sa Penya instead of letting it fall into disrepair! There's a policeman stationed watching the proceedings, claiming to be watching the wall?!? 
Another reason the Town Hall are evicting people is that they say the Roma leave rubbish everywhere, but Sebastian showed me where the Town Hall have actually removed bins, leaving only 2 small ones, both of which have been locked up so people can't use them! Incredible! We also went to Sebastian's home (see extra), he was out and when he came back they'd bricked it up...writing numbers where each door would have been...each number represents a family...reduced to just a number in a system that is actively against them.
A heartbreaking morning that left me feeling helpless...but we'll keep spreading the word, praying, and trusting that somehow there will be justice for these people.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Bumping into Sebastian & Enrique.
2) The privilege of knowing the Roma community.
3) Being able to use photography as a way of raising awareness.

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