The Castle Grounds

Let's go somewhere new for walkies, said mum. Can we check on the pizza on the way? Said I. Mum said no, which is a mystery to add to the others.

So we went a bit further to the south, to a castle in which mum says a count and a countess lives. I don't even know what that is. But the castle grounds are open to the public, so that was today's walk.

It was beautiful! There were the park and several small pavilions and lawns and winding pathways. An oak forest with small hills and a deserted stone building that looked like ghosts lived in it. And there was a labyrinth! You can see it to the right in the picture. We started walking from the periphery to the centre, but someone had walked there before us. I think it may have been sheep, but no sheep were around. But there was a definite poo trail! I went bananas and mum ended the whole operation prematurely. On the whole, a great outing.

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