Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Post Apocalypse Retirement Blues

A world where Donald Trump is US president, Boris Johnson is Prime Minister, we've left Europe, the NHS has been destroyed, and the country has dropped below Venezuela in terms of economic prosperity and corruption. My nightmare vision of the future. No country for old men.

Building sites always bring out the Mad Max in me.

Anyway, back from the future ... deadlines met, papers delivered to printers. Bill made me eat chocolate and drink tea ... she is such a bad influence. Evening was grey but I did make it to the gym and do some tidying so feeling a little bit satisfied with the way the week has turned out so far.

TSM a bit under the weather tonight. And they lost the Yoga Mama's luggage somewhere between Heathrow and Sydney. But hopefully all that will improve soon too.

If all goes well tomorrow - two important meetings - then I can chillax. 

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