Mora and Trapiá

Plenty of theories as to how Mora (our town in the Alentejo) got its name, but the one that makes most sense to me is that it's from this fruit tree, called Amora (morus nigra). Same name as a blackberry, and there are similarities in flavour and appearance, but this is a tree that so far, I've not seen elsewhere. And in the Sertão, where we lived in NE Brazil, a lot of places were named after trees, including our own, Trapiá, a beautifully shady fruit tree with stunning white flowers - which we reintroduced to the area.

Went walking in the golden hour, to the top of town, which is covered in these trees.

Other than that, an incredibly frustrating day, when Windows 10 decided to install itself against my wishes, and I was left with a computer I could no longer use. Joel, my computer expert from Sutton Coldfield in the UK, accessed and fixed a lot of it - cannot get over that someone that far away can move the mouse on my computer here in Mora - scary! And what a hero Joel is!

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