A fishy business

Well, just like last night, when I never got anywhere near reading my friend’s book, today was one of those days when none of the urgent jobs got done. Ah well…. The positive part is that I spent a fair bit of time exchanging messages with a young man who’s coming to Brazil for an internship, as part of his Cambridge Master’s studies – and he’s decided to stay with us for at least a couple of days.
The sardines I was cleaning for the cat looked so beautiful and silvery I had to take a photo – which doesn’t do them justice at all. It made me think how wonderful they must have looked, flashing through the water. All the cat was thinking about was how soon she could be eating them, and they appeared to meet with her approval.  
We heard such sad news on arrival at our choir rehearsal – the 19-year old granddaughter of one of our favourite choir members suffered a cerebral aneurism on Saturday and died. So wrong - how to cope with a loss like that? Particularly hard for her mother, a doctor, who had no reason to suspect the cause of the headache and just suggested that she took a pain killer and lay down.

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