San Lorenzo Ruiz Parish

My BFF's grandma has been laid to rest today at Forest Lake in Maa. I went straight to church for the mass and was lucky to have arrived at the same time they arrived from the funeral parlour. I have never been to this church ever before. There were a lot of very huge angels around the church and the style of the sculpture looks familiar. They look like the works of this very prolific Mindanaoan artist called Kublai Milan. As I googled about the church and the arts inside it, I wasnt wrong after all. Kublai's works are easily recognizeable especially if you see them around my hometown. It looks like Kublai's work has been scattered in every corner of the city.

The mass for my BFF's grandma was solemn. I couldnt help but cry during the last viewing of the coffin. Loli, as we fondly called her grandma, reminded me of my lola. A few years back, when i spend the nights at my bff's house, Loli would always ask if I have already eaten. And just today, my BFF told me that Loli always asked for me even after I have already left their house. She was a happy Loli and I will miss her.

After the church mass, we drove to the cemetery where we had another prayer for the dead before Loli was lowered down to the ground. This is always the most emotional part but everyone was happy reminiscing stories about Loli. 

Back at their house, and as Filipino families do, we sang along while playing the guitar and ukulele. It is not a usual activity that Filipinos do when a family member dies but it was a celebration of Loli's life. I would have wanted to stay longer but I know that it was a family affair and so I left my BFF's house at around 7pm together with my BFF's sister's BFF (whew!).

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