The Cemetry Dyke

Ventured out along the coastal walk today, the first time for several weeks.  Met in with Jimmy the Bu and had a good update abut arriving birds and the fact that there are no kye out yet.  He has hardly any keep left and the grass is showing no sign of greening up yet.  On arriving home I had a visit from Onnie and Peggy who gave me a thorough update of the Parish.  This included Onnie telling me about seeing HMS Hood at anchor in the Flow.

CMC is not home until 11.00p.m. tonight but I think Zibby and myself will need all our time to tidy up.

She came home last Friday night and we were very giggly, she also said the room stank of whisky (she doesn’t appreciate the finer aspects of a 12 year old Aberlour).

We are on a warning.

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