A Collector of Oddities

By MinBannister


The garden at our building project has grown a lot of dandelions which it great as I can make wine out of the heads. This one escaped the mower  (on which I was complimented twice today. It is a push mower and does a beautiful job). I will take a bucket and a pair of scissors with me next time but I suppose they will have turned into clocks just as quickly as they grew these flowers!

Later on, I received some Amazon vouchers and so ordered the Eurovision CD since I particularly enjoyed the music this year. Yes, that is right. No I am not being sarcastic! Since you can get a free download with the CD I was able to listen to the music immediately which is what I have been doing most of the evening. Unfortunately, since I am short and have been doing a lot of mowing, the turnups of my trousers were full of grass and I have had to vacuum the bed.

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