Allium Awaiting
Another busy day so an early start and blip.
Although l do enjoy Film Star Friday l really miss Flower Friday so l already knew what l was going to blip from my garden this morning, not what you are seeing but my beautiful Pheasants'Eye Narcissi a beautiful white flower with a centre that really matches it's name,
lmagine my horror this morning, to see they had been eaten by slugs! One was still hanging on a stem having had a flower for it's breakfast.
I've heard there is going to be a massive invasion of slugs and snails this summer after the wet winter . Think they are all holidaying in my garden this morning.
No time to start collecting them as l'm off to Leeds for a full day seminar then tonight, delight of delights, off to see Billy Elliot ( fourth time for me) with my Grandaughters and Rebecca, Mr P and l bought the girls a ticket each as part of their birthday presents, so it's been a long wait for Ruby who had her birthday on Christmas Day.
So today it is a quick shot of this emerging allium, don't think the slugs like onions!
Have a great Saturday, will catch up ASAP. x
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