Not You Mr Snail ... :o/

I think Mr Snail thought that the "Welcome" sign seen here, meant him as well ... but not as long as he keeps eating my flowers he isn't welcome ... :o|
To be fair, I think I'm getting a bit soft in my old age. There was a time I'd have squashed him and all his sluggy friends and thrown them into the hedge for any passing bird or hedgehog to feast on ... but not any more.
Instead I've drilled several very small holes in the lid of a plastic container ... So now, every time I find a snail or slug wandering around the garden, I pop them into the container - into which I've also added a couple of lettuce leaves - and every day or so, I take them on a journey to the wild over-growth about a quarter of a mile away, where I set them free ... :o)
I have been told that snails will eventually return to where they were born, even if that was a few miles away (which would explain why you see so many walking along the road), but for the snails' sake, I'm going to pretend I haven't heard about that ... :o)

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