
Usk Castle

By dangling the carrot of a Farmers' Market, and the chance to stock up on fresh local produce, I managed to persuade my brother to head off on a road trip this morning, across the Severn Bridge and into Wales and the small Monmouthshire town of Usk.

The weather wasn't great but it didn't dampen our spirits, and as well as enjoying a scenic drive through the rolling green hills and valleys of South Wales, we got to have a look around the ruins of the Norman castle, overlooking the pretty town of Usk, and came home with bags laden with delicious local Welsh produce!

For those of you who enjoy my brother's foodie habits, a list of our combined Welsh shopping (dull reading for the rest of you I'm afraid!):
3 types of Beer
Blood, Wine and Chocolate Chorizo
Wild Boar Salami
Venison and Pork Salami
Shoulder of New Season Lamb
Hot Smoked Bath Chap (pig's cheek!!)
2 types of Cheese
Duck Eggs
Honey Fudge
Chocolate & Raspberry Tart
Tarte au Citron
Barra Brith
Welsh Cakes
Toffee Waffles
Wild Garlic (picked in the grounds of Usk Castle!!)

Once home, Chef spent the afternoon in the kitchen and I collapsed and dozed the afternoon away in front of the TV! It's now feeding time, after which I am certain I will collapse again!!

(Today's extra is a collage of the highlights of our Welsh Road Trip! Check out the road sign!!)


Lyonnaise Salad with Smoked Bath Chap and Welsh Duck Egg

Spelt and Asparagus Arancini with a Tomato Sauce

*  *  *  *  *  *
Slow Roasted Shoulder of New Season Welsh Lamb with Jersey Royals and Olive Oil Braised Cavolo Nero


Tahini Roasted Vegetables with Spiced Quinoa Pilaf, Dukkah and a Chilli Chutney
 *  *  *  *  *  *

Welsh Chocolate and Raspberry Tart


Welsh Tarte au Citron

*  *  *  *  *  *

Selection of Welsh Cheeses
Welsh Beer or
Conker Dorset Dry Gin Martini or
Red wines:
2003 Barossa Valley Torbreck ‘The Steading’
White wine:
More Prosecco!!

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