Cambridge Visitors

I woke at 7.20 today. What's all that about?! I had booked a nice long lie in...

So I got up and took the dogs out, knowing I had lots of housework to do before my visitors arrived. While out with the dogs, I found a lost mobile phone hidden in the wet grass. It has a lock on it, so I took it home in the hope that someone would ring it.

An hour later, I was just cleaning the bathroom when it rang! I was able to reunite it with a very relieved, very grateful holidaymaker.

I took Mollie in to work and bought a few bits for lunch. James and Claire arrived at midday. I worked with both at Cambs CC pensions for over 10 years; they were also redundant as part of the LGSS cull. We sat in the garden drinking coffee, eating hot cross buns and chatting lots. We were lucky with the weather.

Later we drove into Cromer where we wandered, ending up on the pier, where the lovely Mollie expertly served us tea, coffee and beer!

After a walk around the town we went home to more coffee drinking, then took the dogs up the lane towards Felbrigg. Before we knew it the day had flown. James and Claire went on their way back to Cambridge, it was really nice to have had their company all day, next time I've promised a night out in Cambridge. I drove into Cromer to collect Moll & we grabbed spring roll & chips and took them up to the scout hut. We sat around the fire eating our dinner, while watching Jon demonstrating the gutting and skinning of a rabbit, as part of their bushcraft skills weekend. I was impressed. The scouts then all had a go. They were very keen!

Now we are home, both in our onesies, with non-alcoholic cider, crisps and a film. Its going to be a late one....

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