Lala's Journal

By Lala

Garden Flowers

I am loving the garden at this time of year. I know I have gardener doing most of the work, and I have to say her advice is invaluable. Only three weeks ago the Camellia (bloom in photo) was weak and poorly. She (the gArdener) suggested I put it in a different spot, and also that it could now go in the garden instead of a pot. Hey ho, we now have four lovely blooms. The Arum Lily came from Lyndhurst. On one of our visits late in the year of 2014 Peter and I dug out a clump each. It had flowered so beautifully all year we thought it would be nice to take a bit and see if we coupl pot them on. Di the gardener planted it out a few weeks ago, and here it is with a flower already. Now that some of my plants are going in it feels a bit more like mine. Have almost decided on a fence as opposed to hedging along the adjoins property line with next door.

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