Collecting Moments

By AudreyJ

A Bit out of Focus

But feeling pain free while out-of-focus.

This morning I phoned the surgery bright and early, was told a Dr. would call me back, told the Dr. my sob story when he phoned back, he listened and typed and said 'he thinks' it sounds 'muscular' so I was to pick up the script of pain killers (who'd have guessed a telephone diagnosis!!!!!). The Drs here really don't want to see you, it's just so strange.

Fact is I suppose I am in agony and it was to be expected but seriously I've had more pain killers prescribed to me since being here than I ever had in my whole life, it's as though 'they' think pain killers solve everything and cant be bothered examining you to get to the root of the problem. Don't know why I expected anything more actually. This is why I put off phoning for Dr. appointments in the first place - a) You never get one, and b) you usually get prescribed pain killers.

Anyway, I have to say rant aside I've been given a choice of quite strong ones and they have certainly manged to take the pain away for 4hrs anyway.

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