Civic Parade, Maidstone

We just happened to be in the right place at the right time today to see the Civic Parade this year. The Parade welcomes the new Mayor of Maidstone, Cllr Derek Butler and honours the county town’s troops, 36 Engineer Regiment exercising their rights as Honorary Freemen of the Borough to march through the town with bayonets fixed and colours flying.

Maidstone has long been associated with and has a great affection for the Ghurka soldiers based in the town. This shot shows the Queen's Gurkha Engineers marching towards the end of Week Street.

Behind us awaits a splendid carriage and horses, which I've added as an extra, ready to take the Mayor and Mayoress in the mayoral procession to All Saints Church for a civic service. This too was a splendid sight.

We spent the afternoon on the allotment again, I completed digging the old brassica bed started yesterday while Susan, the weedmaster general removed almost every weed in sight. We planted out some turnips and swedes I'd grown in some guttering, some summer cabbage and some brockoli (different to the broccoli that comes mostly from Spain)

Looks as if the pigeons have been at the peas, but as I've not got anything to protect them at the moment, they will have to take their chances.

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