Through a lens darkly

By oojeyboojey

Oh I do like to be beside the seaside...

I spent today catching up with various family members in my home town of Hastings. I have always loved these fishermen's net huts - they're very traditional and unique to the South East (Hastings and Rye) as far as I'm aware. I think they appear in such erudite productions as Captain Pugwash.

It's been gloriously sunny again! The dust has settled a bit after the wedding of yesterday. Tonight, we have a family meal planned.

I took so many photographs! This was my favourite of the day. The RX 'numberplate' is specific to the area, FYI.

Edit: I have now made today's blip a composite of several shots, I've seen other people do this so I hope it's allowed! They were all taken within a couple of hours of each other while I walked along the seafront.

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