Walking with the BMC

Working for the BMC at the Keswick Mountain Festival today. Wasn't 100% sure what the gig was until last night, so I was pleasantly surprised to turn up today and find I was leading the BMC's Family Day Out. We had 16 people along with ages from 5-80. We also had Mary-Ann Ochota from the TV (no I hadn't either) and the really rather inspirational Meek family, who spend their time creating family friendly adventures for various social media platforms, books and articles. Our route? the ever so family friendly Cat Bells.
The BMC had put on a launch for us too - something I've never done  as I've always preferred Shank's pony to paying nearly a tenner - but it did start and finish the day with a certain level of style.
Regular followers will know I often choose not to work with kids, my reasoning being that I like working with people who've chosen to be in the mountains, for whom it is special. But the 5 youngsters in today's group were a joy to be around, enthusiastic, eager to learn and kept going longer than a couple of the adults. I even only had to use my fielding skills with one catch of the day!

In extras are the group with Mary-Ann late to the pic, and the 5km swim competitors who were setting off as we returned, that's a long way in open water!

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