Quod oculus meus videt

By GrahamColling

Has he seen me?

Chatting to our neighbour this morning and he was telling me that they received a little present this morning from one of their cats, a fledgling robin.  Still alive, he rescued it from the cat and placed in on the roof of his shed.

Later in the day, I heard a chirping coming from the shrubs in our garden.  For once our cat was oblivious to the call, lying on a cushion on the garden bench (and still there now at 8:20 pm).  Anyway, there amongst the ivy was this little fledgling, probably the same as the one caught that morning.  I then became aware of an adult robin, chattering away in the apple tree, bobbing and showing signs of agitation.  I grabbed the camera with its telephoto lens and quickly took a couple of shots (see extra).  I then retreated and let parent and child re-unite.  Hopefully this one will survive.

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