A life lived backwards

By GailyWhaley

Brain dump.

Wanted to garden. Had to garden
Tried to do crossword with Beloved. Couldn't sit still. Boiled some eggs for sandwiches. Drank lots of coffee. Hung Mam's washing out, washed a few dishes, put a few away. Took gin girls to supermarket. Sorted Mam. Bought a sandwich because I'd forgotten about the eggs. Went to work.
Worked like stink. Started to rain. Can a Toyota Aygo beat a rain cloud?
Shall I whizz home and get the washing in? No time. Picked up gin girls. Got washing in. God of washing lines working today.
Made Mam tea. Put shopping away. Went home. went in garden. Talked to neighbours. Pulled weeds. Planted plants. Shall I  buy a new car? Will we have pizza? What'll I cook during the week? God those slugs are fast. What's that plant? Do I need chocolate . No have an ice cream. Have a bath. Have I got short term memory loss. Am I going mad? Is it my age? Time for a lie down.

I hope I can think slower tomorrow.

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